Friday, May 8, 2009

About Me and this Blog

So here's the scoop -- I have a passion for food. I love to cook and I love making all different kinds of recipes. The problem is that once the meal is done, I usually throw away the recipe just to think back several weeks or months later and say "What was that one dish??" So in hopes of actually repeating dishes that I like, I decided to make this blog to store all my favorite recipes - on online cookbook if you will. Really, this is just suppose to be for my reference only, but I recently realized that maybe some other people would like to try out other, new recipes too -- and if someone else has tried it first, they're more willing to take the plunge and whip out their sautee pan. So if that's you - be my guest in trying these recipes. Let me be the first to say though - I'm not this grand chef, I wouldn't even call myself a "cook". I'm just a girl who loves to make food for my family and friends (and myself!!) None of these recipes are my own and I always will try to give credit where credit is due.

I guess though, if other people are going to be reading this - I should say a little about me. So here we go.

I'm a (mainly) stay at home mom to wonderful little girl, Rylee, and an incredible husband, Darrin (or normally referred to as "D"). We've been married for almost 3 years (together for 8) and I can honestly say that I absolutely LOVE being his wife. I also love to cook and take the old fashion "honey can I make you something?" route. And good thing for me - D will eat just about anything if there's bread and it doesn't come from an MRE. So it works out on both our ends.

I have some firm beliefs when it comes to cooking.
1. I really believe that anyone can cook. I hate hearing people say "I can't cook" -- if you can follow a directions, you can cook. And if you can't - then please go and see my best friend who's a 3rd grade teacher. She may have some pointers for you. Eh...scratch that -- maybe even kindergarten.

2. I think that many people, in regards to the kitchen, are just scared of failing. That their dish won't turn out good or they'll poisen someone or whatever. Or, worse, that if they make a dish and it doesn't turn out good - then they'll never make that dish again. This is one area I am not. I dont' really mind thinking that I'll fail and kind of like the "thrill" of wondering how the dish will turn out. Sometimes, it's good - sometimes it's not so good and other times it's just plain BAD. But either way, chauk it up to a learning experience, give it to the dog, and order a pizza. You can try again tomorrow.

3. I also firmly believe that people are lazy, myself included. I won't normally make something that will take all day to cook (unless it's in a crockpot). Yea right. If I can't do it in an hour or less it's not hittin' my stove. Furthermore, I really like to try and make recipes that are easy to do and taste GOOD. The truth is - homemade food can be quick and easy and doesn't require a degree from Le Cordon Bleu. IT can also cost a lot less than going out to eat and be much healthier for you (although let's be honest, who doesn't like going out to eat?). But we're a lazy bunch of beings and many times don't want to make the effort to dirty some dishes or make a grocery list. But I say that's okay! And that a good meal doesn't have to require a lot of prep work.

These beliefs are another reason I'm making this blog. Because sometimes, just having someone else that has actually made the dish and can say "I did this" or "don't do that" or whatever takes the pressure off of someone. And if I can turn a "I can't cook-er" to a "hunny let me try out this new recipe for you!" -- then my job is done.
So take the plunge and join me in this fun, tasty ride in the kitchen. :)


  1. Jenn, this is so fun! I've always said that I love to bake, but hate to cook. Looking forward to finding some inspiration here!

  2. Jenn, I personally am looking forward to frequent posts so keep the recipes coming! and I like you critique-ing them =) opinions help! .... oh and since you inspired me, be sure to check out my new blog:
