Thursday, July 22, 2010

My meals and grocery list

This week Sprouts was having a KILLER sale so I took full advantage! I got almost enough food for an entire week's worth of groceries for a little shy of $35! Again, I didn't get everything I need, so I'm thinking that my total grocery bill for the week (or perhaps even the rest of the month) will be about $50. Here's how I'm thinking I can do it. This is for 5 meals which is suppose to cover from today (Thursday) to next Wednesday. Two of those days we won't be eating at home (date night and my mom and sisters birthday). Then we have Thursday (which I can do leftovers or pasta or something) and then next Friday is pay day again plus we have a wedding ot go to. So I'm thinking that this will get us to the end of the month! WOOHOO! We'll probably have to pick up some more eggs and milk before then, but I still have over $80 for our grocery budget after this shopping trip ($150 total for 2 weeks). So we're good! :)

Let me also say that you could probably do this for even cheaper. There are some items that I prefer the more expensive version than the cheaper version (for instance: bread and Sprouts Apple Juice). So if I would have bought the less expensive version, then I'd save even more money. But I think that everyone needs to find a good balance between what their budget can afford and what they're comfortable feeding their family (or their taste buds. :) )

Anywho - people asked me "how I did it" so here's my 5 meals and grocery recipet. I check the sale ads and plan my menus around them and what I have already on hand. I do have a garden but that only has tomatoes and some green beans that are ripe right now. I also have veggies still in the fridge from my last Farmers Market trip last week. So we'll be using up those in our meals as well.

My 5 dinners:
1. Beef Lettuce Wraps - I don’t know what else we’ll have with this or if we’ll just do the lettuce wraps. I’ll figure something out.

2. Burgers with homemade fries or potato chips (whatever I feel like making that day...probably fries)

3. Pork Sirloin Roast with mashed potatoes and veggies

4. Chicken with BLT (bacon, leeks and tomato) Gravy and a salad

5. Some kind of fish dish with veggies if I can. I’m thinking trout. Sprouts had trout fillets for $6.99 a pound. So I wouldn’t get any more than a pound of fillets. But I want to see what Sams Club and Fresh and Easy have. If I don’t do fish, I might do a taco salad with leftover ground beef from the burgers and lettuce wraps.

**I still need to get hamburger buns, cream, Chicken thighs, fish (maybe) and some bacon. This all will be $15 or less (depending on if I get the fish or not).

Food Item Price per unit Price I Paid
Bread 1 loaf @ 2 for $4 $2
Raw Almonds .80lbs @ 3.99/lb 3.19
Buttermilk Pancake Mix .44lbs @ 2.49/lb 1.10
White Sugar 1.17lbs @ .99/lb 1.16
Milk 1 gallon @ 2 for $5 2.50
Turkey off the bone .35lbs @ 6.99/lb 2.45
White Chedder Cheese .72lbs @ 2/lb 1.44
Sprouts Apple Juice 1 bottle 3.49
Extra Lean Ground Beef 2.57lbs @ 1.99/lbs 5.11
Pork Sirloin 1.12 lbs @ 1.77/lb 1.98
Cherry Tomatoes 1 pint .88
Cilantro 1 bunch @ .19/lb .19
Ginger Root .07lbs @2.49/lb .17
Kiwi 5 @ .19 cents each .95
Limes 5 @ .19 cents each .95
Loose Carrots 3.65lbs @ .19 /lb .69
Green Onions 1 bunch @ .19/each .19
Golden Delicious Apples (HUGE) 5 @ .19 each .95
Hass Avocados 4 @ .49 each 1.96
Bananas 2.15lbs @ .65/lbs 1.40
Romaine Lettuce Hearts 3 pack for $1 1
Russet Potatoes 5.05lbs @ .19/lb .96

TOTAL $34.71

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