Monday, July 13, 2009

Kumquat Appetizer

Kumquat, Cheese Cheese and Candied Pecan Appetizer
So my best friend is getting married and at her lingerie shower , they served these YUMMY apps. Kudos go to Mrs. Jennifer Richman and her apparently amazing mother in law for this recipe! :)
If you haven't ever had a kumquat before, it's like a tiny (think cherry tomatoe size), tart orange or tangerine. You eat the entire thing (peel and all) and by itself, is just too tart for me. However, this recipe is SOOOO good! I couldn't stop eating them! First you're hit with the tart and tangy-ness of the kumquat, then the cream cheese acts as a nice smooth buffer and then you get a burst of sweetness and crunch from the pecan. They're easy to make, can be made ahead of time and sure to be a hit at your next summer party.

Whipped Cream Cheese
Candied Pecans

Cut Kumquat lengthwise, put a dallop of cream cheese on it and top it off with a candied pecan. Set out to be enjoyed!

Yup - it's that easy! Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I've gotta remember this when I get full access to my new Kumquat tree. I just tasted the best candied pecans from the farmer's market last weekend-- sweetened entirely with maple syrup. They were dee-lish!
